The local self-government of the municipalities is expressed in the right and real opportunity for the residents and the bodies elected by them to pass resolutions on all issues of local importance, which, in accordance with the law, are within their competence in the field of:
1. municipal property, municipal enterprises, municipal finance, tax, charges, municipal administration;
2. structure and development of the territory of the municipality and the towns and villages on it;
3. education;
4. health care and services;
5. culture;
6. town-development and communal services;
7. social services;
8. protection of the environment and the rational use of natural resources;
9. upkeep and protection of cultural, historical and architectural monuments;
10. development of sports, recreation and tourism.
In accordance with the Local Self-government and Local Administration Act, the body of the executive power in the municipality is the Mayor of the municipality. The Mayor of the Municipality, as well as the mayors of the separate district councils within the municipality, is elected directly by the local residents in the order and in accordance with the terms and procedures provided by the law, and in towns which are not administrative centres, the Mayor of the municipality may appoint deputy-mayors.
The Mayor of the municipality:
- manages the whole executive activity of the municipality;
- directs and coordinates the activity of the specialized executive bodies;
- appoints and dismisses deputy-mayors of the municipality, deputy-mayors in the non-administrative centres, heads of departments on the municipal budget, heads of departments and employees of the municipal administration, imposes the disciplinary penalties provided by the law;
- is in charge of the observance of the social arrangements and order and to this end issues written orders to the heads of the respective police services;
- organizes the implementation of the municipal budget;
- organizes the implementation of long-term programs;
- organizes the implementation of the resolutions of the municipal council and reports to the municipal council on the said implementation of the resolutions;
- organizes the fulfillment of tasks ensuing from the laws, the decrees of the president of the Republic and the Council of Ministers;
- delegates some of his functions to the mayors of district councils, coordinates and monitors the expediency and compliance with the law of the performance of the said delegated functions; monitors the compliance with the law of the acts and activities of the mayors in exercising their powers under Art.46, para.1. The mayor of the municipality has the right to revoke their acts;
- maintains contacts with political parties, public organizations and movements, as well as with other bodies of local self-government in the country and abroad;
- organizes and is in charge of crisis-management in the municipality;
- The Mayor is also the chairperson of the Security and Crisis-management Council of the municipality;
- Assigns and approves the elaboration of town-development plans and their amendments for the territory of the municipality or parts of it, and approves certain town-development plans in accordance with the terms and in the order provided by the Territorial Development Act, and organizes their implementation;
- Performs the functions of civil registrar;
- Represents the municipality before physical persons and legal entities and before the courts of law;
- Ensures the organizational and technical service of the municipal council;
- Approves the structural and operational regulations of the municipal administration.