Mitishti is located in the ‘Podmoskovie’ (near the capital of Moscow). Its name originates from the duty collected on the ships loaded with goods and heading for Moscow. This fact explains the symbolics implied in its official coat of arms which depicts a floating boat.
Mitishti is the water supply area of the capital, as well as one of the biggest industrial areas in close proximity to north-eastern border of the capital. The population of the town nowadays numbers 185 000 people.

The cooperation agreement between Gabrovo and Mitishti was signed in 2002. The two parties agreed to strengthen their relationship in the field of industry, trade, culture, humanitarian sphere, self-government, education and sports.


Russia, Московская обл. 141008, гр. Мытищи,
Новомытищенский пр., 36/7

tel. 095/5813180

Kumanovo, Macedonia Mittweida, Germany